Here’s the deal. I don’t need money. I’m happy to continue running this site and working on removing family court bias, with no donations at all. However, I can promise you that any donations provided will go towards the goal of correcting the family court system, or raising awareness for the problem. Some examples include:
Professionally developing this website (maybe even getting a proper domain name)
Working with other parents who have experienced similar bias to expose their stories as well
Donating to organizations such as National Parents Organization
Spending my time corresponding with legislators
Want to get to know me first? Shoot me an email from the main page and we can have a conversation.
Unfortunately, as I have decided to not reveal my identity publicly yet, Bitcoin is the only option. In the future I'll consider going public and having a PayPal and Patreon link.
address: 35tsxRKKggVeTWCCDHBaUFKJzKQtCn5uBf